International Exhibition of Video Art, Experimental Film and Digital Performance
The main objective of FrameArt is to become an international meeting point in the field of video art and experimental cinema, also featuring music and digital performance.
FrameArt is a transdisciplinary event, an area of reflection and diffusion of creating video, film and performance, in which several agents are actively involved.
May 4 — June 10 | CAAA + Mercado POP UP
opening May 4, 7pm
Artist in residence
Jakub Nepras /CAAA
Invited artists
Alberto Plácido /CAAA
José Carlos Teixeira /CAAA
Jorge Reis /CAAA
Selected works from Serralves Foundation, Centro de Arte Moderna Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and Museu Coleção Berardo:
Helena Almeida /CAAA
Jemima Stehli /CAAA
Mário Garcia Torres /CAAA
Fernando Calhau /Mercado POP UP
Gerard Ritcher / Mercado POP UP
Grazia Toderi / Mercado POP UP
João Penalva / Mercado POP UP
João Tabarra / Mercado POP UP
Julião Sarmento / Mercado POP UP
Laurent Grasso / Mercado POP UP
Pedro Cabral Santo / Mercado POP UP
Reiner Ruthenbeck / Mercado POP UP
Richard Hoeck / Mercado POP UP
Yukihiro Taguchi / Mercado POP UP
Zoran Naskovski / Mercado POP UP
May 8, 9.30pm | CAAA
Video in Contemporary Art
Experimental Film
9, 14 may / 8, 10 june 21h30 | CAAA
Digital Performance
11, 12, 13 may / 9 june 21h30 | CAAA
Animation Film
15, 16, 17 may 21h30 | CAAA
Free entrance in all events except the Performance Câmara Neuronal – entrance 5€
Cinema/Guimarães CEC2012.
The POP UP Culture project is part of the cultural program of Guimarães 2012 European Capital of Culture. The Mercado POP UP is one of the axes of intervention of the project, and consists in occupy and create new uses for the first floor of the Municipal Market of Guimarães
CAAA Center for Art and Architecture Affairs
Rua Padre Augusto Borges de Sá, 4810-523 Guimarães
Mercado Municipal de Guimarães
Rua do Mercado Municipal, 4835 Guimarães
During the weekend the entry to Mercado is made on the level -1
Everyday 2.30pm / 7pm
For more information: