Sound Walk / Música Viva 2013

Opening: November 16th, 5 pm. Miguel Azguime’s talk at 6.30 pm.
Gallery 4 until January 5th 2014. Every day from 2.30 pm to 7.00 pm

This is a collective sound installation offering visitors an immersion into distinct soundscapes under the theme of “text-sound composition”. Satellite event of the Música Viva Festival 2013, the Sound Walk is the result of a selection of pieces, which derives from an invitation by Miso Music Portugal to composers of electroacoustic music from around the world.

António Ferreira; Portugal; Tempus Fugit; 03:11
Junya Oikawa; Japan; Growing Verse; 04:19
João Fernandes; Portugal; F; 04:55
Herbert Baioco ; Brazil; Griechenland: Ich liebe dich!; 04:31
Gerald Fiebig; Germany; Emptied Words; 03:57
Donika Rudi ; Albania; Emotion Machine; 05:00
Cesare Saldicco; Italy; Digressione Ipertestuale Nr.10; 04:22
Anna Korsun; Ukraine; Micromaa; 05:00
Damian O’Riain; Ireland; Ever Decreasing Circles; 04:31
Rosa Parlato; Italy; Transfert; 05:34
Anne-Claude Iger; France; La Luna ha perso il suo occhio; 02:08
Christian Banasik; Germany; Letzte Gebarde offener Munder; 04:59
Luis Marques; Portugal; Sing at 83.33Hz; 04:55
Christos Zachos; Greece; The Spell; 02:05
Ruud Roelofsen; Holland; Glittering Fragments; 03:35
Steve McCourt; Ireland; Ideomas (2nd and 3rd movement); 04:46
Sirpa Jokinen; Finland; Take a Winter Walk in the Garden with Jean-Jacques Rousseau; 05:13
Christos Alexopoulos; Greece; Is This Real?; 02:22
Denise Ritter; Germany; sphaira01_remix_2012; 02:52
William Price; USA; 2 Days in the Tank; 04:47
Vedran Mehinovic ; Bosnia/Herzegovina; Alpha State Suggestions ; 05:04
Thomas McConville ; Ireland; Cecilia; 03:50
Matías Couriel ; Argentina; Interference; 05:00
Emma O’Halloran ; Irlanda; Stochasticity; 04:09
Nichola Scrutton; Reino Unido; Word of Mouth; 04:00

Runtime: 105 min.

Part of the Musica Viva 2013 festival.

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